Monday, June 30, 2008


  • XVII. SOUND: Propagation of sound - Wave equation -Velocity of sound in solids, liquids and gases - Variation of velocity of sound in gases with temperature, pressure, density and humidity. Natural and Forced vibrations - Resonance with examples - Formation of stationary waves in stretched strings - Laws of transverse waves along stretched strings - Experimental verification by sonometer - Beats - Definition and explanation (Theory only) - Doppler effect - Formulae for apparent frequency in specific cases - Applications and limitations of Doppler effect.

  • XVIII. GEOMETRICAL OPTICS: Determination of velocity of light by Focault's rotating mirror method - Its significance - Critical angle - Total internal reflection - Application to optical fibres. Lens maker's formula 1/f = (m -1) (1/R1+ 1/R2) - Defects of images - Spherical and Chromatic aberrations and their elimination (Qualitative treatment) - Construction of Ramsden's and Huygens eye pieces. Dispersion of light - Formula for refractive index of prism - Pure and impure spectra - arrangement to obtain pure spectrum - Description and working of spectrometer - Determination of angle of a prism - Angle of minimum deviation and Refractive index - Dispersive power of a prism. Different kinds of spectra - Emission spectra-Line, Band and Continuous spectra- Absorption spectra - their significance - Fraunhoffer lines and their significance.

  • XIX. PHYSICAL OPTICS:Nature of light - Newton's corpuscular theory - Huygen's wave theory - Electromagnetic theory Quantum Theory (Elementary ideas only) - Interference - Coherent sources - Young's double slit experiment - Phenomenon of diffraction - Fresnel and Fraunhoffer diffraction - Diffraction at straight edge ( qualitative treatment) - Polarization - Concepts of polarization - Production of plane polarized light by reflection and double refraction (Polaroids).

  • XX. MAGNETISM: Magnetic pole strength - Inverse square law - Magnetic induction B - Formulae for magnetic induction on axial and equatorial line of a bar magnet and a very short bar magnet - Couple acting on a bar magnet placed in a uniform magnetic field - Magnetic moment of a magnet - Tangent law - Deflection magnetometer - Comparison of magnetic moments in Tan A and Tan B positions by equal distance method and null method - Verification of Inverse square law - vibration magnetometer - Experimental determination of M and BH. Magnetic materials Dia, Para, Ferro, Antiferro and Ferrimagnetism - their properties - Electron theory of magnetism (qualitative treatment) - Permeability and Susceptibility (concepts only).

  • XXI. ELECTRO STATICS: Coulomb's law - permittivity- Concept of electric field - Electric lines of force. Force on a charge in an electric filed ( F=Eq) - Electric potential - Potential due to a point charge - Potential energy of a point charge in a uniform electric field - Electron volt - Relation between E and V ( E =v/d) Capacitance, Dielectric constant - Parallel plate capacitor - Formula for Capacitance - Effect of di- electric on capacity (expressions only) - Formulae for resultant capacitance when capacitors are connected in series and parallel - Energy stored in a capacitor - Effect of dielectric on the energy - Types of capacitors and their uses.

  • XXII. CURRENT ELECTRICITY: Ohm's law - Specific resistance - Conductance - Temperature dependence of resistivity - Thermistor - Emf of a cell - Internal resistance and back emf. Kirchoff's laws - Statement and explanation - Application to Wheatstone's bridge for its balance condition - Metre bridge - Principle of potentiometer - Comparison of emf's of cells. Determination of internal resistance of a primary cell.

  • XXIII. THERMO ELECTRICITY: Seebeck effect - Peltier and Thomson effects and their coefficients - Variation of thermo emf with temperature - Neutral and Inversion temperatures. Application of thermo couples.

  • XXIV. ELECTRO MAGNETICS:Oersted's experiment - Biot Savart law - The Tesla Ampere law - Magnetic field near a long straight wire and at the center of a circular coil carrying current (expressions only) - Force on a moving charge in a magnetic field (F = Q V X B ) - Force on a current carrying conductor in a magnetic filed - Force between two straight parallel conductors carrying current - Definition of Ampere - Fleming's left hand rule - Force and Torque on current loop in a magnetic filed - Tangent Galvanometer expression for the current construction and working of a moving coil galvanometer - Shunt and its uses - Conversion of moving coil galvanometer into ammeter and voltmeter. Comparison of Moving Coil Galvanometer with Tangent Galvanometer - Electro magnetic induction - magnetic flux and induced emf. - Faraday and Lenz laws - Fleming's right hand rule - Self and Mutual inductances - Henry.

  • XXV. ATOMIC PHYSICS: Discovery of electron - e/ m electron by Thomson's method - Charge of an electron by Millikan's oil drop method (Principle only) Photo electric effect - Laws of photoelectric emission - Einstein's photo electric equation and its experimental verification by Millikan's method - Photoelectric cells and their uses. X-ray spectra - Mosley's law and its importance - Compton effect - Dual nature of matter - De Borglie's hypothesis (concepts only)

  • XXVI. NUCLEAR PHYSICS: Composition of nucleus - Nuclear forces - Mass defect and binding energy - Explanations with examples - Discovery of neutron - Nuclear fission - Chain reaction - Principle and working of a Nuclear reactor - Nuclear fusion - Energy of sun and stars (Carbon - Nitrogen cycle and Proton- Proton cycle) -Elementary particles.

  • XXVII. SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES: Junction Diode - Depletion layer - Barrier potential- Forward bias and Reverse bias - Current - Voltage characteristics - Junction diode as half wave and full wave rectifiers - Zener diode as voltage regulator - Transistors - pnp and non transistors - Transistor characteristics - Transistor as common emitter amplifier (Block diagram and qualitative treatment only).

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