E category
Appl.No. E _________________
ENGINEERING, AGRICULTURAL & MEDICAL COMMON ENTRANCETEST(on behalf of APSCHE)E A M C E T – 2 0 0 8(ENGINEERING)on 08-05-2008 from 10-00 am to 1-00 pmINSTRUCTION BOOKLETFOR ENTRANCE TEST RELATING TO PROFESSIONAL COURSES INA) B.E/B.Tech/B.PharmacyB) B.Tech (FS&T)/B.Tech (CA & BM)/B.Tech (Agri.Engg)/B.Tech (Dairy)Note:1. This booklet contains i) Application Form (ii) 12" x 10" envelope and (iii) Acknowledgement Card.2. Fill in the Application Form carefully and submit through online (OR) Fill in the Application Form andAcknowledgement Card after carefully reading the instructions and keep them in a separate envelope suppliedto you and submit in person either to the respective Regional Coordinator (as listed in this booklet) or to theConvener, EAMCET-2008 or send it by Registered Post with Ack, so as to reach the Convener on or before14-03-2008 by 5 p.m without late fee.3. The application number printed above should be quoted for reference, in all further correspondence.4. Information about the Entrance test is also available on the Net at http://www.apeamcet.org.Address for correspondence:CONVENER, EAMCET – 2008SIT BUILDING, CELLAR PORTION, JNT UNIVERSITYKUKATPALLY, HYDERABAD – 500 085.ANDHRA PRADESHEAMCET – 2008 (Engineering Category) A Common Entrance Test designated as“Engineering, Agricultural & Medical Common Entrance Test” (EAMCET – 2008) will be conducted by JNT University for the academic year2008-2009 for admission into the First Year of Professional Courses i.e. B.E./B.Tech/B.Pharm(M.P.C.) / B.Tech (Ag. Engg.)/ B.Tech.(Dairying) / B.Tech (FS&T) and B.Sc (CA & BM).Note: The application form is for common entrance test only. Candidates have to apply / attend counselling for admissionseparately as and when the notification is issued.I. PARTICULARS OF EAMCET – 2008The examination is on 08-05-2008 Between 10.00 A.M and 1.00 P.M.The Entrance test is of 3 hours duration and the question paper consists of a total 160 questions comprising of a total of 80 questions inMathematics, 40 questions in Physics and 40 questions in Chemistry.“All questions will be of objective type (multiple choice) only and each question carries one mark. The syllabus in Mathematics,Physics and Chemistry is furnished in Annexure–I. The model questions and model OMR Response sheet along withinstructions are given in Annexure – II”.II. ELIGIBILITY TO APPEAR FOR EAMCET – 2008Candidates satisfying the following requirements shall be eligible to appear for EAMCET-2008.a. Candidates should be of Indian Nationalityb. Candidates should belong to the state of Andhra Pradesh. The candidates should satisfy local/non-local status requirements as laiddown in the A.P. Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission) order, 1974 as subsequently amended.c. For Engineering, B.Pharmacy (M.P.C), B.Tech Dairying, B.Tech (Ag.Engineering), B.Tech (Food Science and Technology) (FS&T),B.Sc (Commercial Agri & Business Mgt) (CA&BM) courses:(i) Candidates should have passed or appeared for the final year of Intermediate Examination (10+2 pattern) with Mathematics,Physics andChemistry as optionals or related vocational courses in the fields of Engineering and Technology, conducted bythe Board of Intermediate Education, Andhra Pradesh along with bridge course or courses conducted by it for candidateenrolled during 2001-2003 and subsequent batches, or any other examination recognised as equivalent thereto by the Boardof Intermediate Education, Andhra Pradesh.ORCandidates should have passed or appeared at the final year of the Diploma examination in Engineering conducted by theState Board of Technical Education and Training, Andhra Pradesh or any other examination recognised as equivalent theretoby the State Board of Technical Education and Training, A.P.(ii) a) In the case of Engineering, Pharmacy courses, candidates should have completed 16 years of age as on 31stDecemberof the year of admission. There is no upper age limit.b) In the case of B.Tech Dairying, B.Tech (Ag.Engineering), B.Tech (FS&T) and B.Sc (CA & BM) offered in Acharya N.G.Ranga Agricultural University, candidates should have completed 17 years of age as on 31st December of the year ofadmission and an upper age limit of 22 years for all the candidates and 25 years in respect of scheduled caste andscheduled tribe candidates as on 31st December of the year of Admissions.III. GENERAL INFORMATION / INSTRUCTIONS:1. The Convener, EAMCET – 2008 reserves the right to reject the application of the candidate at any stage, if (i) theapplication is incomplete (ii) the candidate fails to satisfy the eligibility conditions, (iii) any false or incorrect information isfurnished (iv) the entries in the application form are illegible (v) the application is received after the due date. Nocorrespondence will be entertained in this regard. Any change whatsoever, including that of caste / community status orcategory, shall not be permitted to be made in the filled in applications (both online and offline) after it is received by theConvener.2. The Convener is not responsible for non-receipt of application by the notified date and time for any reason whatsoever, includingpostal delay / loss in transit etc.IV. MEDIUM OF ENTRANCE TEST:The question paper will be in “English” and “Telugu”. Candidates who have studied the qualifying examination in Urdu medium and wishto avail assistance for translating the questions into Urdu, will be allotted a test Centre at Hyderabad only .V. COST OF APPLICATION FORM AND REGISTRATION FEE:No amount need to be paid along with the application except in the case of late submission.VI. SAME CENTRE FOR CANDIDATES APPEARING FOR BOTH ENGINEERING AND AGRICULATURAL & MEDICINE:Candidates of E – Category who are eligible and desirous of taking the test in Biology, Physics and Chemistry, for AM - Categorycourses, in addition to the test for E-Category should send / submit both the applications (E & AM Category) together (if submitted by post orin person), so that same centre can be allotted to them for both the tests. If this instruction is not followed, the candidate may be allotteddifferent test centres for E & AM category tests.VIII. SUBMISSION OF APPLICATION FOR EAMCET – 2008There are two ways to submit the EAMCET 2008 application1. Online submission and 2) Offline submissionA candidate may submit the application in either of the two ways. In any case, the candidate has to purchase the application, whichcontains a unique application number and a code. Candidates are advised to keep these numbers confidential, so that someone elsedoes not misuse it. After purchasing the application form, the following procedure should be followed for submission of the same.Open the application form and fill it carefully. Pay special attention to sign within the given box and paste the photo at the exact place asthis application is processed by computer automatically. In case an application is submitted in both ways, the details of the offlinesubmission will prevail.Online Submission:Application can be submitted Online from any place where a personal computer with a scanner and Internet facility is available byaccessing the EAMCET website (http://www.apeamcet.org). JNT University has made arrangement for online submission from itsvarious affiliated colleges, as mentioned in website. This facility is available at free of cost.Scan the marked portion of the application form in 150 DPI 8 bit color/ Grayscale JPG image and keep it ready before filling the onlinesubmission form.After entering the details, attach the scanned image and submit the form. After verification, your data will be presented back so that thecandidate can verify and either submit or cancel the data. If the data is submitted, the candidate is given a registration number and thedata can be printed for future reference. The registration number should be used for any further correspondence till the hall ticket isissued.If the form is submitted on-line, the duly filled application form should be handed over to the invigilator at the time ofexamination, if it is not submitted in person or by post.For quick action and response, the candidates are encouraged to submit online on or before 14-03-2008 by 5-00 pm.Offline submission:1. The application for EAMCET-2008 should be completed in all respects before submission to the Convener. One recently takenColour passport size (3.5 cm x 4.5 cm) photograph of the applicant, is to be affixed in the space provided for the purpose. Onlylatest photograph should be affixed as this will be used for issuing “HALL - TICKET”.2. The filled in application forms should be submitted preferably in person at the Venue of The Regional Centre opted by the candidateand obtain the acknowledgement card with Registration No. or send by Registered Post to the Convener, EAMCET-2008, SITBuilding, Cellar portion, J.N.T. University, Hyderabad-500 085 so as to reach on or before 5.00 PM on 14.03.2008 without latefee. Candidates sending their application by post, should indicate the Code No. of the Regional Centre and Engg. / Med. or both,on the envelope. Those who are submitting the application after 14.03.2008 must send a D.D. towards late fee in favour of theConvener, EAMCET - 2008. The details of D.D. should be mentioned in the space provided on the top of envelope.3. The candidates are advised to preserve the acknowledgement card. Quote the registration number for all further correspondence.Both online and offline submission: The candidates are advised to quote only offline registration number for all furthercorrespondence.Enclosures: No Enclosures need to be submitted along with the application except acknowledgement card if submitted offline.IX. Mere appearance and qualifying at EAMCET-2008 does not confer any right for admission into professional courses.Candidate has to fulfill the eligibility criteria laid down in the relevant G.O at the time of admission.X. QUALIFYING MARKS FOR EAMCET – 2008The qualifying percentage of marks in the Entrance Test is 25% (40 out of a total 160). However, for candidates belonging to ScheduledCastes and Scheduled Tribes, no minimum qualifying mark is prescribed. But their admission will be limited to the extent of seatsreserved for such categories (Vide G.O.Ms. No. 179, LEN&TE, dated 16.06.1986).XI. EAMCET-2008 RESULTS1. Evaluation: Every care will be taken to avoid errors in the evaluation, checking, scrutiny, tabulation and ranking.2. Ranking :a. Candidates shall be ranked in the order of merit in the EAMCET-2008 on the aggregate marks. In case of a tie, marks obtainedin Mathematics, in case of further tie, marks obtained in Physics, shall be taken into account to decide the relative ranking.In case of candidates getting equal marks in these subjects, they shall be bracketed for purpose of award of ranking, and at thetime of admission, the total percentage of marks secured by the candidate in the qualifying examination shall be taken intoconsideration. On further tie, age shall be taken into consideration, the older candidate being given priority.b. Rank obtained in EAMCET-2008 is valid for admission to the courses mentioned in the application form, for the academic year2008-2009 only.c. Rank card will be posted to the candidate’s address as given in the application.d. Rank obtained with the benefit of relaxation of the minimum qualifying marks at EAMCET-2008 by any candidate claiming tobelong to SC/ST Category will be cancelled in case the claim is found to be invalid at the time of admission to any course ofstudy in any participating Universities / Institutions.XII. The candidates should preserve the Hall Ticket and Rank Card and produce them when called for verification. However aduplicate rank card/hall-ticket will be issued by the Convener on payment of Rs. 100/- each in the form of D.D on anynationalized bank payable at Hyderabad in favour of Convener, EAMCET - 2008.XIII. Any malpractice in EAMCET-2008 will be dealt with as per rules in force vide G.O.Ms.No: 114, Edn / (IE ) Dt: 13th May 1997 forthe CET.XIV. The answer scripts of EAMCET-2008 will be preserved for six months from the date of publication of results after which theyshall be disposed off.XV. In any litigation concerning EAMCET-2008 Test, Convener is the person to sue and be sued.XVI. Any litigation concerning EAMCET-2008 shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the A.P. High Court, Hyderabad only.XVII. DUPLICATE HALL TICKETIf the candidate fails to receive the Hall Ticket within two or three days before the date of examination, he/she has to contact theRegional Coordinator with the Registration number, to know the particulars of Hall Ticket number and Test Centre. Then the candidatealong with an attested photograph and a D.D. for Rs. 20/- in favour of Convener, EAMCET-2008 or cash shall contact ChiefSuperintendent of the Test Centre concerned to get duplicate Hall Ticket.orThe candidate may also download the hall ticket from website.XVIII. COUNSELLING AND ALLOTMENT OF SEATSThe list of institutions for allotment of candidates with intake in each discipline and category, as per reservations through EAMCET –2008 would be released in the Information Booklet for Counseling in due course and the same information would also be released onwebsite www.apsche.org.ANNEXURE - IEAMCET-2008 SYLLABUSNOTE? In accordance to G.O.Ms.No: 16 Edn., (EC) Dept., Dt: 25th Feb’ 04, EAMCET Committee has specified the syllabus ofEAMCET-2008 as given hereunder.? The syllabus is in tune with the syllabus pursued by the for Intermediate students of academic year 2006-2007 (Ist year) and2007-2008 (IInd year) course and is designed at the level of Intermediate Course and equivalent to (10+2) scheme of Examinationconducted by Board of Intermediate Education, AP.? The syllabus is designed to indicate the scope of subjects included for EAMCET. The topics mentioned therein are not to beregarded as exhaustive. Questions may be asked in EAMCET-2008 to test the students knowledge and Intelligent understandingof the subject.? The syllabus is applicable to students of both the current and previous batches of Intermediate Course, who are desiring to appearfor EAMCET-2008.I. Important instructions to candidates:a. Hall Ticket issued to you is an important document. Please preserve it carefully.b. Hall Ticket is not transferable. Any tampering of hall ticket will automatically lead to the disqualification of the candidate.c. Candidate shall arrive at the examination hall atleast one hour before commencement of the examination. This will enable the candidate tofamiliarize himself/herself with the OMR response sheet.d. Candidates will not be allowed to enter examination hall once the examination has commenced.e. Sharpened HB pencil will be supplied to all candidates writing the EAMCET – 2008 examination in the examination halls. Candidates are advisedto use the HB pencils supplied by the Convener.f. Candidates are permitted to carry the following to the examination hall.i) Hall-Ticket ii) A good Ball Point Pen (Blue or Black) iii) A Sharpener iv) A good Eraserg. The candidates who submitted their application through online only, need to submit the filled in application sheet to the invigilator at the time ofexamination.h. Besides the items listed in serial No. f above, the candidate should not bring any other material. This instruction sheet also should not be broughtinto the examination hall. Candidates should not bring Log books, Tables, Calculators, pagers, Cell Phones etc., into the examination hall.Any candidate found in possession of any forbidden material will be sent out of the examination hall.i. Candidates must remain seated in their allotted places till the completion of the examination. In no case they will be allowed to leave theexamination hall till the end of the examination. Before leaving the examination hall, the candidates must return both the question paperbooklet and the OMR response sheet to the invigilator. Candidate is permitted to leave the examination hall only when the invigilatorsatisfies with the complete receipt of question paper and OMR sheet and allow you to leave the hall.j. Every candidate appearing for EAMCET – 2008 shall be provided with a specially designed Optical Mark Reader (OMR) response sheet(Answer Sheet), on which the candidate shall have to mark his or her answers and other relevant data. The method of marking the answersis illustrated in this section. Candidates are advised to go through the instructions given for marking the answers and other entries on theOptical Mark Reader (OMR) response sheet thoroughly and practice the same at their residence which should make it easy for them toanswer in the examination hall.k. The Optical Mark Reader (OMR) response sheet should be handled carefully by the candidates. They are advised not to fold, wrinkle, ortear the response sheet under any circumstances. Further the candidates are advised not to scribble or make any marks on the responsesheet except marking the answers and other relevant data at the appropriate place on the response sheet. Any violation of theseinstructions will automatically lead to the disqualification of the candidate.l. i) Candidate shall note that they will not be given under any circumstances a second blank Optical Mark Reader (OMR) response sheet.Hence they are advised to be careful while handling their response sheet.ii) In EAMCET – 2008, the candidate name, Hall-ticket Number and photograph are printed by the Convener on OMR sheet. Candidateshall ensure that he/she received the his/her own OMR sheet. If there is any discrepancy in details or damage to the sheet the same shall bebrought to the notice of invigilator immediately.m. Candidate shall read carefully the instructions before starting to answer the questions.n. The question paper booklet given to the candidate shall consist of 160 multiple choice type questions in three different sections with four responsesgiven to each question out of which only one response is correct for the given question. Candidates shall mark the correct answer in the OpticalMark Reader (OMR).II. Instructions to fill up OMR response sheet:a. Follow the INSTRUCTIONS given on the OMR Response Sheet. Fill up information and darken all the Relevant Circles on the OMRresponse sheet carefully, otherwise your Response Sheet will be invalid.b. Use HB Pencil only for darkening the circles for information and answering on the response sheet. Use Ball Point Pen wherever directed on theresponse sheet to write information.Example:ANNEXURE – IIIDEFINITION OF LOCAL / NON-LOCAL STATUS1. A Candidate shall be regarded as a local Candidate in relation to a local area (AU/OU/SVU)1.1 If he/she has studied in an Educational Institution or Educational Institutions in such local area for a period of not less thanfour consecutive academic years ending with the academic year in which he/she appeared or first appeared in the relevant qualifyingexamination as the case may be.1.2 Where, during the whole or any part of the four consecutive academic years in which he/she appeared, or first appearedin the relevant qualifying examination, he/she has not studied in any educational institutions, if he/she resided in that local area for a period ofnot less than four years immediately preceding the date of commencement of the relevant qualifying examination in which he/she appeared, orfirst appeared, as the case may be.2. A candidate who is not regarded as local candidate under clause (1.1) above in relation to any local area shall2.1 If he/she studied in the educational institutions in the state for a period of not less than seven consecutive academic yearsending with the academic year in which he/she appeared or first appeared for the relevant qualifying examination as the case may be, beregarded as a local candidate in relation toi. Such local area where he/she studied for the maximum period out of period of seven years.ORii. Where the period of his/her study in two or more local areas is equal, such local area where he/she studied last insuch equal periods.2.2 If during the whole or any part of the seven consecutive academic years ending with the academic year in which he/sheappeared or first appeared for the relevant qualifying examination, he/she has not studied in the educational institutions, in any local area, buthas resided in the state during the whole of the said period of seven years, be regarded as a local candidate in relation toi. Such local area where he/she has resided for the maximum period out of the said period of seven years.ORii. Where the period of his/her residence in two or more local areas is equal such local area where he/she had resided last in suchperiods.Note: Local area in respect of Andhra University (A.U. area) includes Nagarjuna University area. In respect of Sri Venkateswara University(S.V.U. area), it includes Sri Krishnadevaraya University area. In respect of Osmania University (O.U. area), it includes Kakatiya Universityarea.3. Candidates coming under any of the categories given below and not satisfying the conditions mentioned in 1 or 2 above are treatedas ‘Non-Local’ to all the three University areas specified above.a. Candidates who have resided in the state of A.P. for a total period of 10 years or more excluding the period of studyoutside this state.ORb. Candidates either of whose parents has resided in this state for a total period of 10 years or more excluding the periodsof employment outside the stateORc. Candidates either of whose parents is employed in the State of A.P. in the State or Central Government Public SectorCorporations, Local Bodies, Universities and other similar quasi Government Institutions within this state, at the time of submitting theapplicationORd. Candidates who are spouses of those employed in the State of A.P. in the State or Central Government, Public SectorCorporations, Local Bodies, Universities and other similar quasi Government Institutions within this state, at the time of submitting theapplication.For full details refer G.O.No. 646, dated 10.07.1979.Note: Blank proforma III is provided for submitting relevant information regarding Local/Non-Local status of candidates.
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