Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Some Cool Exam Day Tips

The night before the exam

- Set priorities - what are the most important topics (not necessarily the hardest)?

- Concentrate on a few topics and know them well.

- Don’t spend the night before exams trying to cram in more revision.

- Work, rest, and review your progress.

- Prepare your exam kit and what you will need to take in with you for the next day.

- Sleep early and get a good night's sleep.

On exam day ...

- Have a healthy meal, preferably a protein one rather than carbohydrate so you don’t get sluggish during the exam.

- Take water supplies with you, chewing gum and barley sugar to sustain you through the exam. The chewing gum can also help relieve stress and nerves.

- Arrive in good time have a buffer of at least 30 minutes. (45 minutes for big cities).

- Read through your summaries briefly, but don’t engage in discussion about the topics with others.

- Discussion can confuse you and increase your anxiety. You are as prepared as you can be.

- Use relaxation techniques and focus on calming your breathing.

1 comment:

N.T.R said...

hi this good but i want model paper